Oral Surgery in Paradise
March 13, 14 & 15, 2025
Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa
Honolulu, HI
courses presented by
Dr. Thomas Wiedemann
The Course is under the direction of
Thomas G. Wiedemann, MD, PhD, DDS
Thursday, March 13, 2025
7am – 2pm
The Importance of Suturing: A Master Class and Hands-on Workshop
The course consists of lectures and hands-on training on porcine mandibles.
Whether clinicians have been practicing for years or a relatively short period of time, mastering suturing and soft tissue management are essential skills that will predictably improve final post-surgical results. The goal of this hands-on course is to train clinicians in predictable and correct suturing techniques and flap designs. Attendees will learn about different types of suture material and needle configuration and indications for their use. The hands-on portion of the course will include ample firsthand “over the shoulder” tips, tricks, and advanced instruction.Participants will be confident with different suture types and experience the exercise of both popular and advanced suturing techniques and flap consideration in dental practice. Doctors interested in improving new and complex suturing skills will be provided with practical information on how to suture properly and improve surgical treatment outcomes.
- Comprehend predictable wound healing, suture mechanics and the importance of correct suturing.
- Learn to perform and apply the most useful suturing techniques in diverse clinical situations and understand the theory of these different suturing techniques in surgical exodontia, bone grafting, implant surgery, clot & membrane stabilization, primary closure.
- Discover how to avoid the most common suturing mistakes.
- Perform full-thickness and split-thickness flaps, GBR/GTR procedures and practice different types of classic and modern suture techniques update all surgical skills.
The Course is under the direction of
Thomas G. Wiedemann, MD, PhD, DDS
Friday, March 14, 2025
7am – 2pm
Understanding Basic and Advanced Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)
and Ridge Augmentation for General Dentists
Guided Bone Regeneration and Ridge Augmentation have become routine procedures to enhance the functional, biological and aesthetic outcome of dental implants. This course will provide extensive hands-on exercises on anatomical models to prepare the general practitioner with the surgical skills necessary to perform GBR. The hands-on portion of the course will include lots of firsthand “over the shoulder” tips, tricks, and instructions. Special attention will be given to the selection of graft materials and membranes based on scientific evidence and decades of clinical experience. Participants will also perform exercises on the use of bone tacks and tenting screws.
Lecture Topic:
- Diagnosis and treatment planning for GBR and Ridge Augmentation
- Anatomical considerations to guided bone regeneration
- Criteria for appropriate donor bone graft and membrane selection
- Implant placement in compromised sites with simultaneous augmentation
- Use of radiographs and 3D imaging in GBR procedures
- Management of complications and post-operative care
Hands-on Exercises:
- Preparation of the recipient ridge
- (Appropriate flap design, and incisions for GBR to obtain tension-free flap closure)
- Management of compromised implant sites with horizontal and vertical augmentation
- Fixation of resorbable and non-resorbable membranes with and without bone tacks/screws
Learning Objectives:
- Gain an understanding of diagnosis and treatment planning for GBR and Ridge Augmentation with implants
- Recognize and define anatomical considerations to guided bone regeneration
- Define the criteria for appropriate donor bone graft and membrane selection
- Understand the use of 3D imaging in GBR procedures
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding on the management of complications and post-operative care
The Course is under the direction of
Thomas G. Wiedemann, MD, PhD, DDS
Saturday, March 15, 2025
7am – 2pm
Modern Advanced Atraumatic and Surgical Extraction Techniques, Complications Management, Socket Grafting, GBR and Other In-Office Oral Surgery Procedures
This course is under the direction of Thomas G. Wiedemann, MD, Ph.D., DDS, Clinical Associate Professor and full-time faculty at New York University, College of Dentistry, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Prof. Wiedemann´s career consists of more than 25 years of surgical and educational experience in an academic setting and successfully operating a private practice providing the full spectrum of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Implant Dentistry. He has special interests in dental emergency care, pain management, minimally invasive surgical strategies, and techniques of the full scope of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. He has acquired extensive expertise in implant surgery with multiple implant systems since 1995. He is well versed in innovative concepts of alveolar ridge augmentation and reconstruction and soft tissue regeneration, CBCT guided, and piezo surgery. He is the author of many publications, a speaker at national and international conferences on oral surgery and implantology-related topics, and serves on the editorial board of several renowned and peer-reviewed scientific journals.
This action-packed extraction course, with two hands-on sessions and lectures, will provide a step-by-step blueprint for successful atraumatic extraction techniques with hand instruments and piezoelectric devices as wells as appropriate flap designs for surgical extraction procedures. The associated webinar will provide pre-op patient evaluation and safe patient selection and you will leave prepared to return to your practice and immediately provide these new techniques and procedures.
You will learn how to select and demonstrate proficient use of the appropriate armamentarium (Periotomes, Proximators, Apical Retention Forceps, Piezotomes vs. conventional instruments) in order to remove and section teeth as well as determine and demonstrate case-appropriate basic and advanced suturing techniques.
The course has been carefully designed to integrate didactic, and visual aides, and extensive hands-on attendee participation with a wide range of different exodontia and bone graft procedures (GBR, socket grafts) for each individual patient.
- Understand and apply practical working knowledge in non-surgical and surgical techniques used in modern exodontia
- Apply and select specific instruments for minimally invasive and alveolar ridge-protecting extraction procedures to facilitate immediate dental implant placement
- Manage common real-life complications associated with tooth extractions
- Analyze and anticipate surgical challenges in tooth extractions
- Feel comfortable in risk assessment in medically compromised patients requiring tooth extractions
- Perform current simple protocols of GBR, including socket preservation, as related to pre-implantological extractions
- Perform other frequent and common oral surgery procedures in the general dental practice
- Allow participants to refine and update all surgical skills
About Thomas G. Wiedemann, MD, PhD, DDS

Thomas G. Wiedemann, MD, PhD, DDS, Clinical Associate Professor and full-time faculty at New York University, College of Dentistry, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Prof. Wiedemann´s career consists of more than 25 years of surgical and educational experience in an academic setting and successfully operating a private practice providing the full spectrum of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Implant Dentistry. He has special interests in dental emergency care, pain management, minimal invasive surgical strategies, and techniques of the full scope of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. He has acquired extensive expertise in implant surgery with multiple implant systems since 1995. He is well versed in innovative concepts of alveolar ridge augmentation and reconstruction and soft tissue regeneration, CBCT guided- and piezo-surgery. He is the author of many publications, speaker in national and international conferences on oral surgery and implantology related topics, and serves on the editorial board of several renowned and peer reviewed scientific journals.
Waikiki Beach Resort & Spa
2552 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96815

Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa boasts a beachfront location near Honolulu Airport. Our hotel in Honolulu, steps from Waikiki Beach, sits next to Diamond Head Crater and other nearby sights including Pearl Harbor and Waikiki Aquarium.