Your Source for the Foremost Continuing Dental Education
Goldman Dental Management is the leader in continuing dental education. Today GDM offers more CE for dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants than any other organization in dentistry. Whether it is through our dental association clients or through our own events and portal, we offer thousands of hours every year in live, virtual and self-instruction. Dental professionals from around the world flock to our live in-person events and use our portal for live-virtual or recorded self-instruction. From Restorative to Periodontology to Surgery, our speakers are World-Class. And when it comes to dental hygiene, there is nobody who offers more in-person CE today. Our company manages more dental associations than any other company in the business of dentistry.
Goldman Association Management & Consulting
Goldman Association Management & Consulting can be a full-service or a specific-service supplier for your association. While Goldman Association Management is a complete association management organization, we can also handle specific aspects of an association. Some of those areas are publication management, meeting/event management and marketing. We have done nearly everything for many different organizations in numerous different industries over the past 30 years. And for all of them, we have grown their revenues. Some of them have seen more than 400% growth.