South Florida Dental Meeting Courses

General session Courses




General session Courses


CBCT Technology Demystified

Course By:- Timothy Todack

Course Description:-

Cone Beam Computed Tomography is a growing technological need in modern dental practice. Originally focused on dental implants, this technology has broad-reaching benefits for dental practices. Understanding CBCT possibilities is the beginning. Taking the images, analyzing the information, and doing the analysis is the key to achieving these goals. This course begins the journey of learning the technology and terms, getting the best image, how to analyze the image taken, create an evaluation for endodontic and implant procedures, and advanced imaging techniques.

Learning Objectives:

  • Why CBCT?
  • Understanding CBCT acquisition.
  • Positioning is everything.
  • CBCT terminology.
  • FOV and voxels- understand it.
  • Technology understanding and update.
  • Choosing the right CBCT for your practice.

Sponsored By:- HDXWILL North America

Today’s Treatment Planning: Simple To Complex

Course By:- Dr. Bobby Birdi

DB.Sc, DMD, MSc, Dip. Perio, Dip. Pros., FRCD(C), FACP, DABP

Course Description:-

The program is designed to help the clinician (generalist or specialist) realize current concepts, techniques, and technologies in dentistry that allow predictable and practical delivery of complex therapy in private practice. The presentation outlines patent selection, treatment planning, sequencing, and decision making in the execution of comprehensive dentistry for consistent functional and esthetic results. The use of technology, digital workflow, guided surgery, and 3D planning are highlighted, including tps and tricks to use when you return to your practice.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to develop restoratively driven treatment plans, simple-to-complex,
    as well as treatment timing and sequencing for complex and simple cases.
  • Smile design and achieve results that are aesthetically and functionally pleasing.
  • The benefits of utilizing cone-beam technology and digital workflow.
  • About 3D planning including tips and tricks.

Successful Tactics in Managing Peri-Implant Diseases

Course By:- Dr. Samuel B. Low


Course Description:-

Perplexed by the elusive inflamed dental implant? Confused by the various treatment/management strategies? The introduction of dental implants in the overall management of patients is at an all-time high and dental professional have yet to achieve consensus for a standard of care. Recent data now demonstrates that inflammation associated with implants is commonplace and can result in loss of the implant with failure rates continuing to be at an all-time high. Implant diseases range from mucositis to bone loss implantitis. Long-term implant success can depend on quality prevention, treatment and maintenance. The dental team (especially the dental hygienist) requires successful systems and tools to enhance longevity and implant health.

Learning Objectives:

  • Enhance diagnostic and differentiation skills for implantitis versus mucositis.
  • Develop communication skills to educate the patient about their disease.
  • Examine considerations for local versus systemic antibiotics in detoxification/decontamination.
  • Create innovative at home oral hygiene systems that enhance compliance.
  • Incorporate safe techniques for at-the-chair anti-inflammatory Biofilm control with innovative technology, such as air medicinal delivery.
  • Establish the role of dental lasers in both open and closed procedures.
  • Determine the prognosis of a diseased implant and how to develop the ultimate treatment plan.

Severe Surgical Complications and Other Unexpected Misadventures Related to Implant Procedures

Course By:- Dr. Thomas Wiedemann


Course Description:-

Although a high predictability and long-term success rate of dental implants is well documented in the literature, complications and failures do occur on a regular basis. This lecture is based on numerous clinical examples and cases as a well as on an extensive literature review and gives an overview about implant failures, typical intra- and postoperative complications with even severe adverse outcomes causing medical emergencies related to implant procedures with potentially life-threatening scenarios that even required intubation or hospitalization.

Learning Objectives:

  • Assess, anticipate, and manage complications associated with implant and bone graft procedures
  • Reinforce awareness that even simple implant procedures are invasive in nature and can trigger extremely serious and even life-threatening complications.
  • Understand that oral surgeons and dentists, no matter how skilled and experienced in implant surgery, must be at all times aware of even rare, unexpected, and severe complications, in order to promptly plan an adequate emergency intervention.

30-Years of Experience with Platform Switching Using Delayed and Immediately Loaded Implants

Course By:- Prof. Dr. Georgios Romanos

DDS, PhD, Prof. Dr. med. Dent.

Course Description:-

There is a general opinion that the platform switching of dental implants is associated with crestal bone stability. The speaker presents pre-clinical and clinical experience using different implant systems with platform switching and the main characteristics using delayed and immediate loading protocols. His experience in practice for more than 25 years with platform switched implant systems demonstrates the main features of this implant design for a crestal bone stability and
long-term success.

Learning Objectives:

  • To demonstrate preclinical experience with platform switching.
  • To illustrate scientific data with platform switched implants under delayed and immediate loading conditions.
  • To highlight the protocols stabilizing the crestal bone levels.

Introduction to CAD/CAM Dentistry

Course By:- Dr. Danielle Brown


Course Description:-

In this program, attendees learn about Computer Aided Designing and Computer Aided Manufacturing restorations in
Dentistry. Also, learn how to incorporate CAD/CAM in-office solution into their dental practice efficiently and become profitable. The clinician discusses embracing the digital workflow in scanning, designing, and milling in-office chairside restorations using a modern CAD/CAM system. Additional topics discussed are material selection, preparation, final finish, and cementation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review and incorporate the benefits of a digital workflow.
  • Apply techniques for digitizing the clinical workflow.
  • Learn different restorative materials for a CAD/CAM system.
  • Produce quality restorations in a single visit.

Sponsored By:-  Glidewell Dental

The Science, Techniques, and Technology of How to Place Composite Restorations That Never Leak, Aren’t Sensitive, Sealants that Never Fail, and How to Restore the Endodontically Treated Tooth with No Post and No Crown

Course By:- Dr. Randy K. Shoup


Course Description:-

This course will offer the latest science on composite resign restorations from tooth preparation through final composite placement and curing. The students will be prepared to take the hands-on workshop on Nov. 9th. All participants will learn the latest science pertaining to high strength bonding to both dentin and enamel. Next will be a thorough presentation on composite placement to minimize polymerization stress in the restoration. Finally, the participants will learn the latest techniques and materials to restore the endodontically treated tooth with no post system and not having to prepare the endodontically treated tooth with a full coronal coverage crown.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to maximize the bond strength to both dentin and enamel.
  • What is the strongest bonding agent available?
  •  How to place composite to minimize polymerization stress.
  • How to rebuild the internal core strength of an endodontically treated tooth.
  • Techniques to utilize partial coverage ceramics for final restoration of the endodontically treated tooth.

Anatomically Centered Endodontics

Course By:- Dr. Chafic Safi


Course Description:-

The goal of any endodontic treatment is to prevent or treat capical periodontitis- microbial control. This goal is achieved
through the synergistic effect of the famous endodontic triad: Instrumentation, irrigation, and obturation of the root canal anatomy. Anatomically Centered Endodontics, ACE, is a philosophy that embraces all 3 components of the endodontic triad while allowing clinicians to reach microbial control in a minimally invasive, safe, and efficient manner- streamlining endodontic procedures. The ACE philosophy incorporates adaptive instrumentation, the XP-3D+, which cleans the canal safely and three-dimensionally reaching areas where traditional round NiTi files are unable to reach. It also involves a specialirrigation mixture of NaOCl, chelating agents and surfactants that promotes deep disinfection with the simultaneous dissolution of organic and inorganic matter. This ultra-conservative and disinfected canal can then be obturated using bioceramic technologies that allow for zero shrinkage and bond to dentin thus offering a fluid-tight seal.

Learning Objectives:

  • Comprehend the scientifically based biologic requirements for endodontic success.
  • Understand the meaning of minimally invasive endodontics.
  • Appreciate the latest generation of minimally invasive technologies that allows us to clinically obtain the essential biologic goals.

Clinical Applications of Diode Lasers

Course By:- Dr. John J. Graeber


Course Description:-

Since their introdu tion into Dental Practices nearly two decades ago, the Diode Laser has become a mainstay in the armentaria of Dentists. The applications have reached into every clinical area, solving clinical problems which have plagued the delivery of excellent care. They have become the dental handpiece for soft tissue.

Learning Objectives:

  • This presentation will demonstrate thru Micro-Videos how these lasers easily and efficaciously manage soft tissue like no other device.
  • Clinical applications for restorative, periodontic, endodontic, orthodontic, surgical and localized low-level treatment will be shown

Dental Phlebotomy

Course By:- Dr. Nathan Estrin


Course Description:-

Dr. Estrin will discuss the opportunities of utilizing phlebotomy in the dental office to produce the most modern types
of platelet-rich fibrin. Dr. Estrin will review the various types platelet-fibrin in dentistry included the novel extended-PRF membrane with 4-6 month resorption time utilizing Bio-Heat. Dr. Estrin will share his clinical pearls to achieve superior results with platelet-rich fibrin and how he uses PRF to optimize office work flow.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the different types of PRF.
  • Understand when and how to use different types of PRF for clinical scenarios.
  • Shed light on future of PRF and opportunities with phlebotomy in the dental office.

Safeguarding Wealth: Lawsuit Prevention & Tax Strategies

Course By:- Natalyn Lewis

Course Description:-

Learn how to structure your practice for lawsuit protection and prevention, how to protect your professional and personal assets from lawsuits, reduce your malpractice insurance costs, how to protect your retirement plans from judgments and seizures, and how to minimize vicarious liability for the acts of other professionals and staff.


  • The misleading healthcare/business professional financial crisis of legal entities defined.
  • Statistics related to courts.
  • Sources of lawsuits in healthcare/business settings that involve cases holding business/practice owners liable for employee actions (vicarious liability).
  • Joint ownership pitfalls.
  • Family limited partnership
  • History and function of a limited partnership.
  • Structure, charging order, concession that creditors seize no assets.
  • Distribution clauses.
  • LLC vs. FLP, LLC modeled after FLP, and LLC effectiveness.

Learning Objectives:

  • Maintain the focus of their private practice on improved patient care rather than malpractice defense.
  • Structure their practices for lawsuit protection and prevention, improving overall operations management of the practice.
  • Protect practice and professional assets from lawsuits through applied risk management techniques.
  • Understand basic practice management tools that can help decrease unnecessary loss of revenue.


Course By:- Dar Radfar


Course Description:-

Learn how to incorporate the treatment of Sleep Apnea and Snoring into any dental practice.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the Dental and Medical Implications of Sleep Apnea.
  • What systems to put in place for screening and treating Sleep Apnea patients?
  • Effective communications and marketing for Sleep Apnea patients.

Marketing Your Practice Online & Growing Your Revenue in the Era of AI

Course By:- Joshua D. Gindea


Course Description:-

This lecture will discuss the newest and latest internal and external marketing techniques that were developed to respond to the ever-changing digital marketing strategies that your practice needs to perfect. The advent of AI tools has presented both challenges and opportunities in perfecting your marketing strategies. The lecture will show the doctor how these tools can be incorporated into their practice to help make 2024/2025 more efficient and more profitable. By incorporating these fresh new marketing techniques and by reinforcing the marketing procedures that have worked in the past, using the tools taught in this lecture can help you drastically grow your revenues and your patient base in
2024/2025 and beyond!

Learning Objectives:

  • Incorporate new digital marketing plans to make their offices more efficient and their patients much happier.
  • Implement Search Engine Marketing tools – Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Re-targeting techniques, E-mail capture, and Meta retargeting to bring new patients into the office.
  • Compare internal marketing tools and strategies to determine which will work in their practices.
  • Review website do’s and don’ts.
  • Understand what Google and the other search engines are looking for.
  • Develop internal and external marketing strategies that will boost office income.
  • Recognize the importance of an outstanding recall/reminder/texting system.
  • Develop a Review Generation system that generates an impeccable online reputation.

Sponsored By:- Doctors Internet

Raving Patients: Get Visible, Get Credible, Get More New Patients

Course By:- Dr. Len Tau


Course Description:-

In our internet age, you might think that Facebook ads, Yelp!, Google, or some other new marketing tactic would overtake word of mouth as the leading contributor to our new patient pipeline. While there’s some truth to that, the bottom line is those tactics haven’t replaced word of mouth. In fact they make word of mouth even more important. But word of mouth has evolved… Today word of mouth includes what people say about you online in the form of online reviews. Online reviews are now one of the biggest ranking factors in a local search and in whether people referred to you ultimately schedule an appointment. If people are referred to you, they search you before scheduling an appointment. If they don’t see recent, relevant, positive reviews when they search for you, they’ll ask another friend for a recommendation. And if you’re not on the first page of search results or the Google Map Pack when patients search for dentists near them, the odds of you jumping over the 10-plus practices that appear on the first page and the Google Map Pack are virtually zero. In Raving Patients: Get Visible, Get Credible, Get More New Patients, Dr. Tau will share a simple plan to achieve both of these important results: earning a steady flow of online reviews and converting those reviews into a steady stream of new patients for your practice.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand exactly how (and why) to take control of your online presence.
  • Learn simple software solutions that make managing your reputation easy.
  • Learn why your practice isn’t ranking as high as it could be.
  • Understand ways in which patient reviews can manifest online.
  • Develop strategies to earn a steady flow of positive patient reviews.
  • Review team training tips for collecting positive feedback from patients.

Sponsored By:- Birdeye

Platelet-Rich Fibrin for TMD Pain Management & Facial Aesthetics

Course By:- Dr. Jarrod Cornehl


Course Description:-

Dr. Cornehl will present the latest advancements in platelet- rich fibrin blood derivatives in facial aesthetics. The presentation will cover injection techniques with PRF, microneedling, creating a 100% biological filler (Bio-Filler) with PRF that lasts 4-6 months, and applications of PRF in combination with laser therapy. Furthermore, Dr. Cornehl will discuss and provide clinical insights into TMD pain management, utilizing a combination approach with PRF, Botox, and lasers.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the biology and clinical applications of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in the field of facial aesthetics.
  • Understand how temporomandibular joint injections with PRF work to treat TM joint pain and intracapsular disorders.
  • Gain understanding of how therapeutic Botox, trigger point injections, and photobiomodulation work to treat TMD-associated
    muscular head and neck pain.

High Magnification Dental Ergonomics - Efficient and Stress-Free Dental Practice

Course By:- Dr. Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues


Course Description:-

The basic premise of ergonomics is to make the task fit the person, rather than making the person adjust to the task. Dentistry is one of the most demanding professions with a high incidence of musculoskeletal disorders, many professionals are retiring early because of neck, back, shoulder, arm, and wrist injuries. The appearance of new ergonomic loupes has provided dental students and dental professionals with an affordable and portable option to provide for high-quality magnification, and lighting and now provides the possibility of a neutral posture due to design changes in the optics of the magnifying glasses. It’s also known that one of the greatest benefits of the dental operative microscope (DOM) use in dentistry is the increase in ergonomics, the microscope solves two of the major problems in dentistry, lack of vision (magnification) and posture (focal distance) and that´s why ideal neutral posture in generally not attainable while operating unless you use a microscope. Numerous studies have been conducted on the prevalence of work-related pain in dentistry, and the results indicate that more than half of all practicing dental professionals experience work-related pain, with averages of 30% of early retirement due to musculoskeletal disorders in the USA.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn and apply the principles of ergonomics in dentistry.
  • Learn how to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and the benefits of microbreaks and stretching during the workday.
  • Address how to sit properly with good available stools in the operatory.
  • Understand the guidelines of selection and use of the ergonomic loupes.
  • Address the ergonomic benefits of the microscope in dentistry.
  • Incorporate a systematic positioning approach for operator and patient.
  • Address the four-handed dentistry concept for a workflow and efficient dental practice.

IV Sedation Dentistry: What it can do to elevate your Practice

Course By:- Jay B. Reznick, DMD, MD & John Roberson, DMD

Course Description:-

In this course, we’ll be walking through the apprehensions, perceptions, and misperceptions about IV sedation that exist
in the minds of dental practitioners. Along the way, we’ll be discussing the common pain points that dentists often
experience in their respective practices. We’ll also look into the powerful ways that IV sedation can help dentists build careers that are both fulfilling and profitable. More importantly, though, we’ll discuss how IV sedation can help create a larger “point of entry” for patients who need (but might be avoiding) dental care, while significantly improving clinical care and the overall “patient experience” as well.

Learning Objectives:

  • Become more familiar with how intravenous moderate sedation can be implemented in a real-life dental setting.
  • Understand how integrating moderate IV sedation into a dental practice can help the practice grow, aid in the successful delivery of clinical care, and improve the overall patient experience.
  • Learn about the safety of moderate IV sedation when practiced correctly.
  • Become aware of the typical educational requirements for obtaining a Moderate Sedation Permit in each state.

Sponsored By:- Vesper Institute

Achieving Synergy in Surgery: From One-Step Ridge Preservation Without A Membrane to Enhancing the Implant Site by Combining Novel Biomaterials with Autologous Growth Factors

Course By:- Dr. Robert J. Miller


Course Description:-

Ridge augmentation either prior to, or simultaneous with implant placement, is an area with the highest complication rate in oral implantology. Very often, failures of grafting procedures may give the clinical impression of common pathways when, in fact, the mode of failure is very different. Complications may be related to the type of graft used, the type of membrane, inadequate surgical execution, lack of patient compliance, or a deficient soft tissue complex. Understanding local factors prior to grafting, selection of appropriate materials, and proper sequencing of procedures is critical to graft success. This lecture will compare and contrast types of surgical procedures and combinations of key biomaterials to compress treatment time in regeneration.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the importance of signaling markers in bone growth.
  • Demonstrate the interaction of key components of biomaterials.
  • Develop strategies to create osteoinductive hybrid grafts to compress healing time in regeneration.

Sponsored By:- Impladent

Prescribing Controlled Substances: Mandatory Course

Course By:- Dr. Joshua D. Lenchus


Learning Objectives::-

At the conclusion of this program, attendees should be able to:

  • Recognize the scope of the opioid abuse crisis in Florida.
  • Explain new Florida laws and rules regarding prescribing controlled substances and comply with practitioner requirements under the new regulations.
  • Follow the current evidence-based standard for prescribing opioids and other controlled substances, including prescribing of emergency opioid antagonists.
  • Identify in patients that would benefit from non-opioid alternatives and non-pharmacological therapies for pain while maintaining optimal patient care and pain management.
  • Implement best practices in the outpatient setting when prescribing controlled substances and consider alternative therapies.
  • Describe the genesis of the current opioid epidemic.
  • Identify the current standards for prescribing opioids and other controlled substances for the treatment of pain.
  • Compare and contrast available and forthcoming non-opioid alternatives and non-pharmacological analgesic treatments.

Peri-Implantitis: Prevention, Risk Reduction, and Treatment Modalities to Maximize The Long-Term Success of Implant-Borne Restorations

Course By:- Dr. Robert Horowitz

Course Description:-

Peri-implantitis is a destructive plaque-induced condition in the alveolar process. In their 2008 paper, Zitzmann and Berglundh described it as a condition around an endosseous implant with greater than 6mm probing depth and bone loss of 2.5mm or more. It is associated with many signs and symptoms. Depending on the severity of the causative factors of the disease, the host’s response and the duration of the lesion, some or all of these may be present. Commonly seen are an increase in probing depth, bone loss, and clinical attachment loss. The gums are often inflamed, bleed on probing, and may exude purulence on palpation. There are factors that may make progressive attachment loss around dental implants worse. The most common are excess cement subgingivally and ill-fitting restorations. Other conditions that may play a role in this process include implants placed improperly, connective tissue and non-resorbed graft particles near the gingival level, absence of keratinized tissue and specific desitn features of the “shoulder” area of the implant and restoration. There are numerous ways to reduce these risk factors and increase the longevity of the implant-restoration complex. When diagnosed, there are different treatment modalities that can help keep the implant-supported restorations in function. These will all be discussed in this program.

Learning Objectives:

  • Steps taken to identify the health of the attachment apparatus around dental implants.
  • Ways to reduce the risk of implant-supported restorations developing peri-implantitis.
  • Treatment modalities for early, moderate, or advanced attachment loss around dental implants.

Better Preps, Less Stress….. Creating Readable C+B Margins, Workable Impressions, and Functional Provisionals

Course By:- Dr. Richard Lipscomb Jr.

3 Hour Lecture for Dentists and Dental Assistants

Course Description:-

Videos and slides will show you what prepped tooth margins should look like, and how to create them. This course will help your team become more efficient in prepping teeth, making impressions, and fabricating provisional restorations. The key to predictable, functional, and esthetically pleasing C+B cases, is producing margins that everyone can see (the Lab Technician, the Dental Assistant, and the Dentist). This allows your lab to build upon a great foundation, the impression-making to be more predictable, and the provisional process becomes faster.

Learning Objectives:

  • Digital scanned preps and impressions, what the labs want to see.
  • Learn what C+B labs are looking for in preps and impressions.
  • Show how visible margins are created.
  • Learn options to manage soft tissue for better access to margins.
  • Review techniques on making impressions.
  • Learn how to be more efficient in making provisional restorations.

Sponsored By:- Kettenbach, Bisco, ADP and Slate


Course By:- Dr. John B. Roberson, DMD, FACD, FICD, FICOI, FIAOMS

3 Hour Lecture for Dentists and Dental Assistants

Course Description:-

Dentists have a responsibility to know the risk of medical errors that can occur in the dental office.  Dentists should take a proactive stance with strategies to prevent or minimize potential risk. Being due-diligent in all aspects within the dental office will reduce risk of liability to the practice and more importantly, the absolute safety of the dental patient.

Dentists routinely perform clinical procedures and administer medications that can affect a patient’s health and safety.  Errors may occur at any point in treatment within the dental office.

Learning Objectives:

  • Errors of commission
  • Errors of omission
  • Errors of execution
  • Adverse events
  • Near misses
  • The Ten Deadly Failures in the Dental Office
  • RIP/ABCDEF Basic Management of Medical Emergencies
  • Malpractice
  • Medical History
  • Patient Red Flags
  • Timeouts
  • Never Events
  • Know the duties & responsibilities of a dentist when an adverse event or error occurs.
  • Safety goals for dental practice.
  • The four elements of negligence.
  • The ILL DEPOSE & SLAP ME Acronym
    • Lack of Diagnosis Error
    • Lack of Referral Error
    • Diagnostic Error
    • Emergency Drug Error
    • Procedural Error
    • Operator Error or Office staff Error
    • Sedation Error
    • Equipment Error
    • Surgical Error
    • Lack of Preparation Error
    • Anesthesia Error
    • Prescribing Error
    • Misdiagnosis Error
    • Emergency Plan Error
  • Handouts Will Be Provided to Attendees to assist in Error Reduction
  • Systems & Programs will be discussed to assist in Error Reduction

Sponsored By:- Vesper Institute

Peri-Implantitis Prevention: Implant Maintenance, Home-Care, And Disease Treatment

Course By:- Susan S. Wingrove BS, RDH

Doctor Room (General Session 1) on Friday afternoon

Course Description:-

Preventing peri-implant complications by providing professional in-office assessment, maintenance, and home-care recommendations is vital.  For long-term implant success dentists and hygienists need to detect early signs of implant complications, diagnose any complications to provide early intervention for peri-implant disease and be able to provide treatment. This course will follow Susan’s Doctor Clinical White Paper: Long – term prevention of peri-implant complications and textbook: Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist: Second Edition

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the current research protocols, tools, treatments, and complications for long-term prevention of peri-implant disease.
  • Detect: Hygienists put into practice biofilm identification, five-step protocol to assess & professional biofilm removal on all forms of implant-borne restorations/ prosthesis patients.
  • Treatment: Be able to perform in-office professional implant maintenance for all forms of implant-borne restorations / prostheses and recommend home-care for peri-implantitis prevention.
  • Diagnose: Dentist understand early intervention guidelines for peri-implant disease based on American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) peri-implant soft and hard deficiencies.

Sponsored By:- Sunstar

Unleash the Master Clinician Within


Science tells us that passion is contagious. Passion leads to mastery. This presentation is intended to inspire you with current science and technology. The future of Dental Hygiene is worth getting excited about.

Course Description:-

Literature tells us periodontal disease and oral inflammatory conditions have increased and continue to surge. Doing the same thing expecting a different result was Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity. As a profession we must rise to the occasion recognizing the time to change is now. The abundance of research implicating the impact of oral inflammation on systemic conditions provides us an opportunity to influence the health and wellness of our patients. We will redesign the hygiene visit to exceed patient expectations and be rewarded by improved outcomes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Entertain and educate: Ignite curiosity of each participant to embrace evidence based innovation.
  • Ability to describe biofilm/microbiome and it’s role in oral medicine.
  • Demystify the new disease model Polymicrobial Synergy and Dysbiosis
  • Convey to patients the role they have in biofilm control. Motivate/Educate. Seeing is believing.
  • Identify how to overcome the unique challenges we have in battling biofilms clinically with teeth
    and implants. Describe the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of guided biofilm therapy.
  • Understand how to achieve and maintain periodontal health while also maintaining the beauty
    and longevity of our patients investment in restorative and implant dentistry.

HR Compliance Pitfalls to Avoid

Course By:- Ray Brunner, Sr. Account Executive

Course Description:-

This course will help you navigate and understand the complexities of HR compliance.  It will examine what mistakes are most often made and how to avoid them.  In this course you will learn the value and importance of staying HR compliant.

Learning Objectives:

  • Why Be HR Compliant?
  • What Are Common Pitfalls?
  • How To Stay HR Compliant!

Sponsored By:- HR for Health

Domestic Violence for Dental Professionals

Course By:- Deb Goldman, RDH

Course Description:-

This course aims to enhance the understanding and recognition of domestic violence in healthcare settings, with a focus on identifying signs, understanding legal responsibilities, and providing comprehensive support to victims.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize various forms of domestic violence, including physical, emotional, sexual, economic, and psychological abuse.
  • Identify risk factors and symptomsin patients, with particular attention to vulnerable populations.
  • Understand legal obligations for mandatory reporting, including Florida-specific legislation.



Advanced Dental Ergonomics with Ergonomic Loupes: Workflow, Posture, Positioning, and Wellness in Dentistry

Course By:- Dr. Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues


FRIDAY 11/8 - 2-5 PM

Course Description:-

Naked eye dentistry should be a thing of the past, the high rate of musculoskeletal disorders of 60-80%, the rate of early retirement from the profession due to limiting injuries or mental fatigue are a reality. Conventional loupes without an appropriate guide to adjust them to the individual dimensions of the user have been a limitation for the professional to acquire healthy work postures within the neutral. Currently there are ergonomic loupes on the market, which have revolutionized the high magnification market. These loupes came to solve the postural problems of many conventional loupes on the market and in turn generate a high optical quality to magnify and see better. Added to this, low-weight LED lighting systems, non-touch on and off, and video camera systems for live documentation bring this technology closer to the broad benefits already known in the dental microscope, but with a lower investment cost, portability, and a much flatter, easier, and faster learning curve to handle. In this course, we will be able to address the proper use of these loupes and apply it in the office with a systematic approach to simplified positioning, starting from the biomechanics of the human body to working with four hands to perform better, without suffering from it.

All Modules Below Include A Lecture And Demonstration

Part 1. Biomechanics of the human body, the ergonomic stool, posture
Part 2. Systematic positioning
Part 3. Ergo loupes features and user guidelines
Part 4. Four handed dentistry. The role of the dental assistant

Learning Objectives:

  • Incorporate knowledge of the biomechanics of the human body and the neutral sitting posture.
  • Adapt the use of technology according to the individual anthropometrics of each operator.
  • Use magnifying glasses with a systematic positioning system.
  • Use the magnifying glasses fluently minimizing the learning curve.
  • Adapt four-handed dentistry to work efficiently with the assistant.
  • Understand the use of the ergonomic stool and its synergy with magnifying glasses.
  • Incorporate an organization office strategies that minimizes mental fatigue.
  • Advanced Dental Ergonomics with Ergonomic loupes.
  • Workflow, Posture, Positioning and wellness in dentistry.

Complex Endodontic Treatment and the Use of High Magnification Dentistry

Course By:- Dr. Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues


SATURDAY 11/9 - 8 AM - 5 PM

Course Description:-

Endodontics presents some of the most challenging scenarios in dental care, particularly in retreatment cases, post removals, and instrument retrieval. To navigate these complexities successfully, specialized techniques, tools, and technologies are essential. This course offers comprehensive training to manage both basic and complex endodontic procedures with precision using the dental microscope. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues, a renowned specialist in endodontics, you’ll gain valuable insights and engage in practical, hands-on sessions designed to enhance your skills and confidence in endodontic treatments. The dental microscope is a revolutionary tool in endodontics offering unparalleled magnification, coaxial lighting, and real-time documentation capabilities. This course will teach you how to utilize this technology to improve your diagnostic accuracy and procedural outcomes, making it an indispensable part of your practice. Join us to transform your endodontic approach and achieve superior results for your patients.

Learning Objectives:

  • Master the Microscope: Efficiently and effectively use the microscope for both basic and complex procedures, understanding its role as the standard of care.
  • Locate MB2 Canals: Techniques to locate and treat MB2 canals in maxillary molars.
  • Retrieve Broken Files: Step-by-step methods for successful broken file retrieval.
  • Post Removal: Guidelines and hands-on practice for removing metal and fiberglass posts.
  • Perforation Management: Strategies to handle perforations with precision.
  • Ergonomics: Apply ergonomic principles to enhance comfort and efficiency during procedures.
  • Assistant Collaboration: Maximize the efficiency of four-handed dentistry, improving workflow and productivity.

Sponsored By:- BQE

Dental Microscope User Guidelines Course: The Postural, Positioning, and Ergonomics Applied Systematic Approach to the Effective and Proper Use of the Dental Microscope

Course By:- Dr. Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues


SUNDAY 11/10 - 9AM-12 PM

Course Description:-

The basic premise of ergonomics is to make the task fit the person, rather than making the person adjust to the task. Dentistry is one of the most demanding professions with high incidences of musculoskeletal disorders where many professionals are retiring early because of neck, back, shoulder, arm, and wrist injuries. One of the greatest benefits of the dental operative microscope (DOM) use in dentistry is the improvement in ergonomics. The microscope solves two of the major problems in dentistry: lack of vision (magnification) and posture (focal distance). This is why ideal neutral posture is generally not attainable while operating unless you use a dental microscope. Numerous studies have been conducted on the prevalence of work-related pain in dentistry. In the US, the results indicate that more than half of all practicing dental professionals experience work-related pain, and on average, 30% are forced into early retirement due to musculoskeletal disorders.


  • Neutral seated posture.
  • Adjusting the operator stool.


  • Patient’s horizontal position.
  • Verbal cues.
  • Frequent mistakes.


  • Assistant positioning.
  • Delivery systems-horizontal reaching.


  • Positioning the microscope (operator clock position).
  • Frequent mistakes during microscope adjustment and position mirror techique.
  • Laws of ergonomic movements.
  • Parfocussing the microscope.
  • Items in the microscope that provide ergonomics.


  • Doctors and hygienists who want to eliminate neck and back pain from their daily practice without losing productivity.
  • New, experienced, and/or potential microscope users, including general dentists and specialists, who want to learn how to use the scope.
  • Doctors who want to pass the AMED Certification exam.

Anatomically Centered Endodontics

Course By:- Dr. Chafic Safi


FRIDAY 11/8 - 1-5 PM

Course Description:-

The goal of any endodontic treatment is to prevent or treat apical periodontitis-microbial control. This goal is achieved through the synergistic effect of the famous endodontic triad: Instrumentation, irrigation, and obturation of the root canal anatomy. Anatomically Centered Endodontics, ACE, is a philosophy that embraces all 3 components of the endodontic triad while allowing clinicians to reach microbial control in a minimally invasive, safe, and efficient manner- streamlining endodontic procedures. The ACE philosophy incorporates adaptive instrumentation, the XP-3D+, which cleans the canal safely and three-dimensionally reaching areas where traditional round NiTi files are unable to reach. It also involves a special irrigation mixture of NaOCl, chelating agents, and surfactants that promotes deep disinfection with the simultaneous dissolution of organic and inorganic matter. This ultra-conservative and disinfected canal can then be obturated using bioceramic technologies that allow for zero shrinkage and bond to dentin thus offering a fluid-tight seal.

Learning Objectives:

  • Comprehend the scientifically based biologic requirements for endodontic success.
  • Understand the meaning of minimally invasive endodontics.
  • Appreciate the latest generation of minimally invasive technologies that allows us to clinically obtain the essential biologic goals.

User-Friendly Crown Lengthening Procedures to Enhance Excellent Restorative Dentistry -

Course By:- Dr. Robert A. Horowitz

FRIDAY 11/8 - 8AM-12 PM

Course Description:-

Are you facing challenges with subgingival margin placement? Do you desire to manipulate gingival tissue effortlessly? Are you ready to enhance the value of procedures in your practice? Subgingival margin placement can be a daunting task for restorative dentists, as it directly impacts patient satisfaction with the aesthetic outcome. However, by gaining confidence and expertise in a range of surgical procedures, we can overcome these limitations while prioritizing patient comfort and acceptance. Join our interactive workshop to experience the art of manipulating gingival and bony margins, achieving exceptional restorative results with precise endpoints and the establishment of essential biologic width. We will cover various techniques, from traditional flaps to cutting-edge micro-invasive dental lasers. Additionally, we will review billing and coding practices to ensure effective reimbursement and case acceptance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gather data to determine suitable cases and select appropriate surgical techniques.
  • Understand the anatomical limitations associated with surgical restorative access.
  • Identify the right surgical flap or laser technique based on case selection, including flap manipulation, closed laser procedures, and suturing methodologies.
  • Explore the utilization of dental lasers, including different wavelengths and corresponding techniques.
  • Review indications for mucogingival augmentation, considering attached gingivae and ridge anatomy.
  • Develop post-operative evaluation protocols to assess wound healing and identify potential complications.

The Ultimate Non-Surgical Periodontal Workshop

Course By:- Dr. Samuel B. Low


SATURDAY 11/9 - 9AM-4 PM

Course Description:-

Join us for The Ultimate Non-Surgical Periodontal Workshop, a comprehensive course designed for both dentists and dental hygienists. This workshop will equip you with a user-friendly perio approach, from patient acceptance scripting to chairside positive action. Explore a range of time-tested and new technologies to effectively diagnose and manage periodontal and implant diseases, with the entire team working in synergy. Experience the power of microthin ultrasonic technology and optional diode lasers, providing optimal access for both dentists and hygienists. Discover the next generation guided biofilm therapy with airflow, enhancing chairside speed and efficiency. Our workshop also focuses on innovative topical and local anesthesia techniques, ensuring a pain-free experience tailored to each patient’s needs.

Learning Objectives:
During this workshop, you will:

  • Maximize time efficiency by integrating workflow between dentists and hygienists.
  • Develop realistic non-surgical therapies, incorporating cutting-edge anti-inflammatory systems like micro-ultrasonics and innovative airflow systems.
  • Differentiate and utilize laser technologies for both surgical and non-surgical periodontal indications, including Laser Bacterial
    Reduction (LBR), curettage, and low-level laser therapy (LLLT).
  • Establish a high-quality periodontal maintenance program that enhances your restorative practice, while also addressing coding, third-party reimbursement, and achieving 100% case acceptance.

CBCT Image and Evaluation -

Course By:- Timothy Todack

Certified Orthopedic Physician's Assistant Orthopedic Trauma

FRIDAY 11/8 - 1-5 PM

Course Description:-

Cone Beam Computed Tomography is a growing technological need in modern dental practice. Originally focused on dental implants, this technology has broad-reaching benefits for dental practices. Understanding CBCT possibilities is the beginning. Taking the images, analyzing the information, and doing the analysis is the key to achieving these goals. This course begins the journey of learning the technology and terms, getting the best image, how to analyze the image taken, create an evaluation for endodontic and implant procedures, and advanced imaging techniques.

Learning Objectives:

  • What can CBCT do to enhance your practice?
  • Deep dive CBCT analysis.
  • Endo.
  • TMJ.
  • Airway.
  • Implants.
  • Cephalometrics.
  • Case studies.


  • Image analysis Deep Dive and case studies.
  • Implant planning and case studies.
  • Difficult cases.
  • 3D anatomy printing.

I would like participants to either get scan from HDXWILL CBCT before lecture for planning or evaluation or bring from their office.

Modern Advanced Atraumatic and Surgical Extraction Techniques, Complications Management, Socket Grafting, GBR and Other In-Office Oral Surgery Procedures for General Dentists -

Course By:- Dr. Thomas Wiedemann


SATURDAY 11/9 - 8AM-5 PM

Course Description:-

This action-packed extraction course, with two hands-on sessions and lectures, will provide a step-by-step blueprint for successful atraumatic extraction techniques with hand instruments and piezoelectric devices as wells as appropriate flap designs for surgical extraction procedures. The associated webinar will provide pre-op patient evaluation and safe patient selection and you will leave prepared to return to your practice and immediately provide these new techniques and procedures. You will learn how to select and demonstrate proficient use of the appropriate armamentarium (Periotomes, Proximators, Apical Retention Forceps, Piezotomes vs. conventional instruments) in order to remove and section teeth as well as determine and demonstrate case-appropriate basic and advanced suturing techniques. The course has been carefully designed to integrate didactic, and visual aides, and extensive hands-on attendee participation with a wide range of different exodontia and bone graft procedures (GBR, socket grafts) for each individual patient.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course, doctors will be able to:

  • Understand and apply practical working knowledge in non-surgical and surgical techniques used in modern exodontia.
  • Apply and select specific instruments for minimally invasive and alveolar
    ridge protecting extraction procedures to facilitate immediate dental implant placement.
  • Manage common real-life complications associated with tooth extractions.
  • Analyze and anticipate surgical challenges in tooth extractions.
  • Feel comfortable in risk assessment in medically compromised patients requiring tooth extractions.
  • Perform current simple protocols of GBR, including socket preservation, as related to pre-implantological extractions.
  • Perform other frequent and common oral surgery procedures in the general dental practice.
  • Allow participants to refine and update all surgical skills.

Understanding Sutures and Flap Designs for General Dentists -

Course By:- Dr. Thomas Wiedemann


SUNDAY 11/10 - 9AM-12 PM

Course Description:-

This course is under the direction of Thomas G. Wiedemann, MD, PhD, DDS. Oral Surgery procedures are an integral part of everyday dental practice. General dentists perform extractions, periodontal surgery, and implant placements that often require specific suturing skills. However, some clinicians may experience challenges such as suture loosing, flap dehiscence, tearing, and the inability to stabilize flaps. Improper suturing can lead to complications and even treatment failures. Whether dentists have been practicing for years or a relatively short period of time, mastering suturing and soft tissue management is an essential skill that will predictably improve the final post-surgical results. The goal of this handson course is to train general dentists in predictable and correct suturing techniques and flap designs. Attendees will learn about different types of suture material and needle configuration and indications for their use. The hands-on portion of the course will include lots of firsthand “over the shoulder” tips, tricks, and instructions. Participants will be confident with different suture types and experience the exercise of the most commonly used suturing techniques and flaps in dental practice. Doctors at any level who are interested in improving their suturing skills will be provided with practical information on how to suture properly and improve surgical treatment outcomes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Comprehend predictable wound healing, suture mechanics, and the importance of correct suturing.
  • Select the proper threads, needles, and hand instruments.
  • Know the armamentarium needed to facilitate surgical sutures in the mouth.
  • Understand why and how to choose a particular type of suture material.
  • Learn to perform and apply the most useful suturing techniques in diverse clinical situations and understand the theory of these different suturing techniques in surgical exodontia, bone grafting, implants, clot and membrane stabilization, and primary closure.
  • Discover how to avoid the most common suturing mistakes.
  • Perform full-thickness and split-thickness flaps on a pig-jaw including a GBR-procedure and the use of different types of classic and modern suture techniques as related to pre-implantological extractions.

Implant Placement and Provisionalization

Course By:- Dr. Bobby Birdi

DB.Sc, DMD, MSc, Dip. Perio, Dip. Pros., FRCD(C), FACP, DABP

SATURDAY 11/9 - 10AM-5 PM

Course Description:-

During this workshop, participants learn to place a dental implant and learn various methods of temporizing the implant. The need for proper 4D implant placement and implant position will affect the restorative aspect of therapy is discussed. Participants learn to use various materials, abutments, and methods to create provisional restorations on the implants they place. This workshop provides implant therapy demonstrations with immediate provisional restoration practices.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course, participants will have leaned:

  • to place a dental implant properly.
  • the consequences of improper implant placement.
  • to use various materials, abutments and methods.
  • how to create various provisional restoratons and address occlusion.

Now That You Have Learned It, Now Let’s Do It -

Course By:- Dr. Robert Horowitz


SATURDAY 11/9 - 8AM-12 PM

Course Description:-

This course will allow the students to utilize high levels of magnification to see dentistry in a totally different light. Students will experience one of the best bonding systems in dentistry and place stress reduced direct composite restoration that do not leak and are not sensitive. The students will place sealants that will never fail, never leak and never need to be replaced. Finally, the students will learn how to place fiber reinforced endodontic cores then prepare teeth for partial onlay coverage ceramic restorations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Experience how to best prepare dentin and enamel for bonding.
  • Learn how to apply high strength bonding systems for maximum bond strength.
  • Learn how to place direct composite in a stress reduced technique for maximum bond strength and longevity of the restoration.
  • How to place fiber reinforced cores on endodontically treated teeth then prepare the teeth for partial ceramic coverage.

FPJG1 - Diode Laser Practical Applications Workshop Certification -

Course By:- Dr. John J. Graeber


SATURDAY 11/9 - 8AM-5 PM

Laser Therapy/Electrosurgery Course Type: Participation

Course Description:-

This program is designed both as a review of basic laser science, safety and laser-tissue interaction as well as a hands-on experience that translates to Monday-morning application. Participants will learn how a diode laser can replace the use of a scalpel in routine soft-tissue procedures, especially those in conjunction with dental restorations. Use of a diode laser also enhances the results of presurgical and surgical periodontal procedures. Emphasis will be placed on laser-tissue interaction, widely accepted techniques of gingival alteration, hemostasis, troughing for impressions and other periodontal procedures. The diode laser is most useful used as a soft-tissue handpiece when preparing the gingival environment for restorative dentistry. New techniques of diode lasers as therapeutic tools for many mouth conditions will be explained. The use of microscopic videos of actual procedures will be extensively used. The practical experience will involve procedures using animal and vegetable models. Participants are encouraged to bring their own diode lasers, personal magnification and safety glasses, if available, to the afternoon session..

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how a diode laser should be used properly and safely for soft-tissue surgery and modification for dental restorations.
  • Learn how a diode laser can replace a scalpel and curette.
  • Learn how a diode laser has become a must-have in controlling bacterial infection.
  • Practice actual soft-tissue procedures under the guidance of a clinical expert.

Increasing Success Rates in Implant Dentistry

Course By:- Dr. Robert Horowitz


SATURDAY 11/9 - 8AM-5 PM

Course Description:-

This is a full-day course, with a combination of didactic and hands-on components. The goals of this course are to introduce a neophyte in the realm of Implant dentistry to some of the basic techniques advised, required to give you the best foundation for success as an individual or part of an implant team. Many patients present with complex dental, anatomic, medical, aesthetic, occlusal or other challenges. During the course of this program, many of them will be discussed along with methods for diagnosis, patient education and treatment. Clinical cases as well as literature will be used to demonstrate the different techniques from diagnosis through extraction socket management and implant placement. Digital scanning for patient education as well as surgical guide design and fabrication will be shown. There will be the ability to place implants in simulated situations from n implant system with the highest researched, most osteophilic surface. You will be able to see the advantages of different implant designs with simple, predictable, user-friendly prosthodontic restorative strategies.

Learning Objectives:

1.  Atraumatic Extraction

  • Proper instrumentation.
  • Proper technique.
  • Piezosurgery.

2.  Increasing vital bone in the extraction site

  • Appropriate grafts
  • Growth enhancers
  • Growth Factors
  • Barriers
  • Basic Suturing

3. 2D and 3D diagnosis

  • Of the site with the tooth in place.
  • Of the healed site.
  • Of the deficient, challenging site
  • Of an unacceptable site.

4. Implant placement

  1. Implant type.
    • Shape
    • Surface
  2. Brain guided
  3. Surgical guides
  4. Depth of placement
  5. Grafting at time of placement, uncovering
    • Hard or Soft Tissue.
    • Growth factors/enhancers
    • Barriers

Soft Tissue Management in Surgical Dentistry


First time course offered in U.S. TWO DAY PROGRAM
Intensive hands-on format equivalent to three days

ADVANCED SURGICAL DENTISTRY Conquer Surgical Fears and Boost Confidence In Daily Practice with Our 2-Day Intensive Course.
Refine your dental soft tissue surgical skills with our specialized course, crafted for clinicians aiming to excel with authority in every procedure

Course By:- Prof. Dr. Georgios Romanos

DDS, PhD, Prof. Dr. med. Dent.

SATURDAY & SUNDAY 11/9 & 11/10 8:30 AM-7 PM

Limited attendance: 20-25 participants per class

Sponsor Companies: W&H, Salvin, Dentsply, Zimmer, Biohorizons, Geistlich, Snoasis, Stoma Instruments

Course Description:-

Embark on a journey into the intricate world of surgical dentistry, where soft and hard tissue techniques converge to restore oral health and combat diseases. Our course is tailored to clinicians eager to enhance their expertise and delve deep into soft tissue management. Through hands-on training and expert guidance, participants will master a comprehensive array of surgical procedures, with a special emphasis on soft tissue techniques for implant dentistry.

Surgical Techniques - discover the artistry behind:

  • Precise Incision Types and Armamentarium Utilization.
  • Advanced Suturing Techniques.
  • Full- and Split-Thickness Flap: Indications and Hands-On Techniques.
  • Periosteal Releasing Incision for Flap Advancement.
  • Pre-Prosthetic Surgical Procedures: Frenectomies, Vestibuloplasties.
  • Blood Vessel Ligature Mastery.
  • Nerve Preparation Essentials.
  • Crown Lengthening Procedures.
  • Gingival Grafting Techniques: FGG, CTG, VIP-Graft.
  • Implant Placement and Stability Evaluation.
  • Effective Management of Soft Tissue Complications.
  • Medical Considerations in Surgical Dentistry.

Learning Objectives

  • Equip clinicians with foundational knowledge in soft tissue management.
  • Provide comprehensive training under expert supervision.
  • Foster expertise in preventing complications arising from soft tissue surgery.

Early Bird: $1995
(30 days prior to course)

Regular Price $2195
(Less than 30 days prior to course)

Each attendee will perform each procedure up to 2 times under supervision on pig jaws and other simulations (Each attendee will perform up to 22 tasks)



CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND IMPROVE YOUR OUTCOMES - An Update on Protocols, Products, and Treatment Options

Course By:- Tricia Osuna



Course Description:-

Updated protocols assist us in determining our patient’s specific needs. As we move toward a more collaborative profession, we need to embrace these updates to identify those needs. We are presented with continuous challenges of new advances in products and technology and their use in dentistry and are in need of information to determine when and how to add them into our armamentaria. As professionals providing health services, our perception of product use along with protocols needs to be discussed with our team, as well as the interdisciplinary referrals we have. The process of care (assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, implementation, evaluation, and documentation) requires a comprehension of protocols, products, and treatment options and how they are to be utilized.

Learning Objectives:

  • Modify diagnosis assistance with the team and rationale for changes in assessment forms and diagnostic tools.
  • Distinguish which new-to-market products should be brought into your practice.
  • Integrate materials and products for a variety of uses in the dental office from infection control, dental hygiene therapy, oral cancer screening, patient communication, and instrumentation.
  • Develop effective communication with patients and assist in the business of the dental practice.
  • Formulate strategies that incorporate efficiency in patient treatment for more productive scheduling.

Sponsored by: Ivoclar, Enova, Nordent and Kettenbach.

IT’S ALL ABOUT SAVING LIVES! Organ Transplantation, Donation, and Recipient Care

Course By:- Tricia Osuna



Course Description:-

As dental professionals, as well as part of society, we are all able do something to help the thousands of individuals in need of our care. As healthcare providers treating this unique group of transplant recipients we need to understand and discuss their options and oral hygiene needs. Organ transplantation and donation has increased tremendously over the last 10 years yet there is still an immense need for understanding the processes of donation, transplantation and recipient care. Participate in a sharing of organ transplantation and donation information; learn about transplant recipients and their need for specialized dental care. This presentation will offer insight about the ‘how to’s’ of not only dental care for organ recipients but also communication with their families. We will also share insight on how to be a donor; understand that process and how to aid in sharing the message with your patients and colleagues on how to ~ Save Lives!
Sharing life’s experiences is a fabulous way to learn!

Learning Objectives:

This course will provide information for the clinicians to be able to:

  • Recognize the need for specialized care for transplant recipients.
  • Develop protocols for patients’ dental needs based on medications and oral complications.
  • Appreciate and understand organ donation processes.
  • Communicate with patients and family to share the need for registration.

HYGIENE MASTERY: Soaring to Success with the Power of Hygiene

Course By:- Tiffany Wuebben


Course Description:-

Dental providers are often unsure how to leverage the hygiene department and grow the business. There’s never been a better time to revolutionize this approach! Tiffany Wuebben, RDH shares systematic methods that combat today’s dental practice challenges, support patient health, and significantly improve career satisfaction and the financial success of the practice. In this course, we will engage in a collaborative approach to developing the mission/vision and patient care protocols for the hygiene-driven practice. We’ll also discuss a method to revolutionize your hygiene schedule with a 100% reappointment rate. Next, we’ll explore the steps to increase capacity through patient advocacy, recall, reactivation, reviews and better patient-practice relationships. We will also help you to recognize adjunct procedures that boost patient care and identify empowering practice strategies that transform the hygienist into a true “Hygienepreneur.” Finally, we’ll highlight the proactive steps that professionals can take to build a thriving “hygiene practice within a practice” and develop the knowledge and skills to build a strong hygiene department leading to better clinical outcomes, greater case acceptance, all while maximizing the practice potential.

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine the strategies to build a thriving “hygiene practice within a practice”.
  • Realize how the hygiene department serves as the “secret sauce” for a successful practice by leveraging skills of effective communication and improving the connection with your patients.
  • Interpret the impact of knowing your numbers to drive exceptional patient care, building a strong foundation for your practice.
  • Discover the “super” provider in you and how you can offer a hygiene-mix of services that optimizes better patient outcomes and increases practice revenue.

The Ultimate Non-Surgical Periodontal WORKSHOP

Course By:- Dr. Samuel B. Low


SATURDAY 11/9 - 9 AM-4 PM

Course Description:-

Join us for The Ultimate Non-Surgical Periodontal Workshop, a comprehensive course designed for both dentists and dental hygienists. This workshop will equip you with a user-friendly perio approach, from patient acceptance scripting to chairside positive action. Explore a range of time-tested and new technologies to effectively diagnose and manage periodontal and implant diseases, with the entire team working in synergy. Experience the power of microthin ultrasonic technology and optional diode lasers, providing optimal access for both dentists and hygienists. Discover the next generation guided biofilm therapy with airflow, enhancing chairside speed and efficiency. Our workshop also focuses on innovative topical and local anesthesia techniques, ensuring a pain-free experience tailored to each patient’s needs.

Learning Objectives:

During this workshop, you will:

  • Maximize time efficiency by integrating workflow between dentists and hygienists.
  • Develop realistic non-surgical therapies, incorporating cutting-edge anti-inflammatory systems like micro-ultrasonics and innovative airflow systems.
  • Differentiate and utilize laser technologies for both surgical and non-surgical periodontal indications, including Laser Bacterial Reduction (LBR), curettage, and low-level laser therapy (LLLT).
  • Establish a high-quality periodontal maintenance program that enhances your restorative practice, while also addressing coding, third-party reimbursement, and achieving 100% case acceptance.